Interview with Dr. Derrick Rossi of Moderna Therapeutics

Author:  Maria Zagorulya

I went to undergrad at the University of Toronto, so I did my Bachelor’s of Science at the University of Toronto and then I did my Master’s of Science degree, also at the University of Toronto and then things get strange. I went to the University of Paris in France, and I was in a graduate program there for about a year and a half but I ran out of money for one thing and also the lifestyle was a little bit too much, I wasn’t sleeping because I was staying awake in Paris every night.

Ebola 2014: The Making of an Epidemic

Author:  Aiman Faruqi

On August 26, 1976, a 44-year-old man named Mabalo Lokela arrived at an outpatient clinic in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DCR) with a fever. Suspecting malaria, doctors prescribed chloroquine, a common antimalarial drug, and released him the same day. On September 5, Mabalo was admitted to Yambuku Mission Hospital in critical condition, with a severe fever and massive internal bleeding. Three days later, he was dead.

Black Death: A Plague Revisited

Author:  Emma Loewe


Black Death, the name given to a plague epidemic that eventually killed at least a third of London’s population, was most virulent between the years of 1348 and 1350. During this time, King Edward III ordered emergency burial facilities to be constructed outside city limits. A burial site for those killed during the Black Death was recently uncovered in Farringdon, a historic borough of London. Excavators came across the mass grave during a routine dig for Crossrail, a new urban railway system. The 25 uncovered bodies have provided scientists the opportunity to learn more about the disease that devastated fourteenth century Europe.

European Cities Set to Go Green

Author:  Emma Loewe

The Triangulum Project, an initiative that showcases cutting-edge sustainable innovations, may have the answer. The project will lead the EU’s Smart Cities and Communities Initiative to make European cities more sustainable by reducing energy consumption, greenhouse emissions, and road congestion. Smart Cities brings together major urban centers, private companies and NGOs to achieve the EU’s 20/20/20 climate action goals. The numbers refer to 20% targets in greenhouse gas reduction, renewable energy creation, and energy efficiency improvement.

Plankton get jet lagged, too

Author:  Maria Zagorulya

Humans are not the only species to experience fatigue and even illness when moving from one time zone to another. The same hormone responsible for causing our internal clocks to fall out of sync with actual time also controls the vertical migration of plankton in the ocean, according to new research published September 25th in the journal Cell. The discovery may fill in one of the missing links in our understanding of the evolution of daily rhythms and sleeping patterns in animals.