Morphology and Genetic Analysis of Vegetative Characterization of Four Grain Amaranth Accessions

Morphology and Genetic Analysis of Vegetative Characterization of Four Grain Amaranth Accessions

On the African continent, Amaranth is one of the most widely grown and consumed indigenous crops. The genus Amaranth is one of the most grown leaf vegetables, cereals or decorative plants. Weather factors, the environment, genotype and production practice all influence Amaranth’s vegetative development. Most farmed Amaranth cultivars have low leaf and grain yields, owing to a paucity of good variations. Grain Amaranth growth can be enhanced with the use of suitable cultivars.

Do We Need to Worry About Asymptomatic COVID-19 Infection?

Do We Need to Worry About Asymptomatic COVID-19 Infection?

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, emerged in late 2019 and has become a pandemic. Although SARS-CoV-2 primarily attacks host respiratory tracts, as suggested by its name, the virus can also cause inflammation-mediated multi-organ injury upon binding to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors in other host cell types. This condition is described as multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) or adults (MIS-A).

Behind the Scenes of Butterfly Wings: An Interview with Cornell University's PhD Candidate Jeanne McDonald

Behind the Scenes of Butterfly Wings:  An Interview with Cornell University's PhD Candidate Jeanne McDonald

Jeanne McDonald, a PhD candidate in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Cornell University, is currently working at the Reed lab. She is researching the developmental genes behind the intricacies of such butterfly patterns in addition to how they have evolved and diverged over centuries to create the multitude of color patterns we see in nature today.