
Optogenetics as a Possible Cancer Treatment Technique

Author:  Julie Spitzer

Chemotherapy, hormone therapy, biological therapies including vaccines and antibodies, painkillers and other drug cocktails produce an array of unwanted side effects to an already ill person. Such side effects often make the disease feel as if it is dragging on longer and longer. This is a paradox. Packing an ailing body with poison and calling it treatment, all while harming the already pained and sick individual more.

Women in Science

Author:  Hriday Bhambhvani

An increasing amount of data suggest that women are disproportionately represented in STEM fields: science, technology, engineering, and math. According to the National Science Foundation’s 2015 report on Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering, women comprise fewer than 20% of Bachelor’s degrees conferred in computer science and engineering. Additionally, many women in STEM fields report discrimination from colleagues and mentors alike.